Trained Puppies
“Do I have what it takes to train a puppy? Am I able to calmly stay consistent over a period of time until the puppy knows exactly what I want? Do I know how to train a puppy in a way that he will understand what I want?”
English Pearls now offers 5 levels of puppy training with private instructor. This is not some ‘once a week’ training class. The puppy will have a very unique opportunity to become a part of the trainer’s family and receive personalized one-on-one training while living with them. We have been offering this opportunity for a number of years and have had great success with many happy customers. This training is not necessarily cheap but the end results are priceless.
What all is my trained puppy taught?
Our trained puppies are schooled extensively over a period of a chosen time, where they live with the trainer and become part of their family (which includes several children and a Maltese). During this process, the puppies are socialized and taken to stores or the park, where they will meet with people of all ages and types. They are house-broken, learning that they must go outside to potty. They learn how to walk properly on the leash, without pulling ahead or dragging behind. They also learn commands such as "leave it", "come”, and "stay". The puppies are not allowed on the couch and generally are taught that some rooms in the house are off-limits. Our puppies have the amount of training necessary to become registered Therapy dogs should the new family continue the training and should the puppy show the desire to do this type of work, otherwise each puppy will be a very polite puppy just for a home pet.
There are very few trainers in the country that will offer to take your puppy to live with them in order to provide one on one training for a period of time. Those that do offer such a service, normally charge thousands of dollars as this level of training is very demanding and time consuming. We have built up a relationship with our trainer and offer them a regular amount of work therefore keeping the price very reasonable and affordable for our customers.
If you are interested in adopting a trained puppy, please fill out our puppy application. Our trainer will only work with a select number of puppies at a time, so space is very limited.
“An experienced trainer knows how to work with different personality strengths in each puppy so as to help the puppy reach to his or her highest potential.”
Why buy a trained puppy?
You may be able to train a puppy yourself and do a very good job. I know many people are experienced with dogs and know what it takes to raise a good dog, but there are many people who are getting a dog for the first time or who are getting a dog during a busy time of life. If this person is you, maybe it would be helpful to ask yourself a few questions: Do I have what it takes to train a puppy? Am I able to calmly stay consistent over a period of time until the puppy knows exactly what I want? Do I know how to train a puppy in a way that he will understand what I want?
Many puppy owners take their puppies to obedience class as soon as they can. While this is very important, I have observed that only a certain percentage of owners learn exactly how to train a puppy, even in obedience classes. This problem can be magnified if they haven't had dogs while growing up, or if they have a certain idea about how this puppy should be when in fact it might be the owner not the puppy that has a problem. They don't always catch from obedience class how to work with their particular puppy and if they haven't had previous experience in dealing with dogs may not succeed as well as they wish. Those who go a step further and hire a good private trainer will have success.
An experienced trainer knows how to communicate with your puppy.
They know how to work with the breeds' strengths and weaknesses. For instance, golden retrievers are sensitive dogs. They want to please. They do not need very tough training. They DO need a firmness with lots of praise. LOTS OF PRAISE! Even among a golden not all dogs should be trained the same way. Some Goldens are tender and soft, very focused on pleasing. Some really like to be a bit independent and you find yourself needing to be more firm with them, not hard or harsh. Just firm, still praising and letting them know they are pleasing you.
An experienced trainer knows how to work with different personality strengths in each puppy so as to help the puppy reach to his or her highest potential. It is a fact that not all puppies even from the same litter will be able to accomplish the same goals. Not all dogs will be able to be therapy dogs, not all dogs are show dogs. Some puppies will just be pets. They just want to be loved and be a part of your family. They will be most content if they have a simple life, and know what you want and will do their best to do what you want.